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Rock/Shell Painting and Picnic at the Beach

Snickett Park 5440 Shorncliffe Ave, Sechelt, BC

How can rocks spread kindness?
Have you ever stumbled upon a colourful, hand-painted rock painted in bright colours or with an uplifting message written on it? You may have just found a kindness rock!

Join us for a fun in-person event.
The point of this activity is to sprinkle inspirational messages around our community. Once you create a kindness rock, you can keep it and give to a friend or family or leave it somewhere for another person to find and enjoy.

• Art supplies will be provided.
(You can bring any shells and other art crafts you have if you want)
• Please bring your own snacks and drinks. (We don’t provide food for Health Security reasons).

Contact Lea for more information at

Registration link:

July 18

Immigration Session: Navigating Work Permits and its Pathways to Permanent Residency

September 28

Learn to Knit: Scarf/Beanie Knitting for beginners